Mission Statement
The teachers and administrators of Nottoway County Public Schools recognize the importance of integrating technology into instruction for all students.
Today the ability to process and manipulate information has become an important determiner of economic success for individuals as well as states and nations.In this new information age, the ability to gather and distribute information through electronic communication is vital. For this reason, we believe that all students, teachers, and schools deserve equal access to technology as it is distributed and maintained by Nottoway County Public Schools. No student shall be denied access to technology because of gender, age, grade, ability, socioeconomic level, language differences, handicapping condition, or other exceptionalities.
Vision Statement
In Nottoway County Public Schools, the learning community will be technologically literate, life-long learners. Shareholders will be able to interact successfully in a technological environment to achieve their personal, educational, and workplace goals. They will skillfully use technology to access, retrieve and use information in school and in the greater community.
Today, education is moving rapidly from preparing students for an industrial age to preparing them for an informational and technological future. Computers, streaming video, television and distance learning can provide vast quantities of data at the touch of a button. Today's schools must be able to adjust their instructional strategies so that tomorrow's adults are able to be productive in the world in which they will live. This challenge requires a new emphasis on critical and creative thinking, communication abilities, and a broadening of the understanding of how technology can help education do more for those we teach.Nottoway County Public Schools recognizes the use of technology not as an isolated skill, but as a vehicle for education.