Exceptional Education

SPED Family Liaison

The liaison will be a resource to parents and families to understand and engage in the special education referral, evaluation, reevaluation, and eligibility and Individualized Education Program (IEP) process. The Sped Coordinators listed below serve as Sped Family Liaisons. Feel free to reach out to them with questions.

Amanda Atkinson- SPED Coordinator , atkinson.amanda@nottowayschools.org or 434-645-9596

Delphine Simmons- Fowlkes- SPED Coordinator, fowlkes.delphine@nottowayschools.org or 434-645-9596

More Parent Resources

I'm Determined- Transition Information

The Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center- https://peatc.org/about/   

The Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) is the parent information and training center serving families and professionals of children with disabilities in the Commonwealth of Virginia. PEATC promotes respectful, collaborative partnerships between parents, schools, professionals, and the community to increase the success of students with disabilities.

Exceptional Education

SPED Advisory Committee Meetings:

Special Education Advisory Committee 2024-2025 School Year




Agenda/ Minutes

September 10, 2024


Virtually and in person at the SBO.

Minutes September Meeting

November 12, 2024


Virtually and in person at the SBO.

Minutes November

February 11, 2025


Virtually and in person at the SBO.

Minutes February 2025

April 8, 2025


Virtually and in person at the SBO.

Members: Candace Barnette, Erica V. Seabury, Necol Winpigler, Amanda Atkinson, Michelle Duncan, Shirley Lucas, Napoleon Yates, Shauna Yates, Sonji Jackson


Child Find is the federally mandated process designed to identify, locate and evaluate children who are birth to age 21, inclusive, who are in need of special education and related services as defined in the Virginia Regulations. This includes children who are home-schooled, children who are mobile, including those who are homeless or migrant, and who are wards of the state; children who are under 18, who are suspected of having a disability who need special education and related services, and who are incarcerated in a regional or local jail for 10 or more days; and children who are suspected of being children with disabilities, even though they are advancing from grade to grade. 

Nottoway County Public Schools participates with Infant & Toddler Connection of the Heartland which oversees the requirements found in Part C of IDEA. Children, aged birth through two, are referred to Infant & Toddler Connection (ITC) of the Heartland. The phone number for ITC is 434-395-2967. Nottoway County Public Schools provides special education and related services for children who will be at least two years old on or by September 30th of the current school year. 

Nottoway County Public Schools conducts public awareness activities on an ongoing basis. Child Find is the required process of locating children in need of referral. Brochures are distributed to local public agencies and private schools as well as physicians' offices and other locations in the community to inform the public of referral services. 

NCPS is also required to identify children who are parentally-placed in private schools located within Nottoway County, even if they reside outside of Nottoway County. 

Here listed below are the contacts for each school: 

Blackstone Primary School - Mrs. Joyce Jones 434-292-5300 

Crewe Primary School - Mrs. Michelle Crane 434-645-8149 

Nottoway Intermediate School - Ms. Deborah Calhoun 434-292-5353 

Nottoway Middle School - Ms. Bonnie Andrachek 434-292-5375 

Nottoway High School - Mrs. Lauren Moreno 434-292-5373