The purpose of this site is to provide convenient access to EL resources that are frequently used.

FLEP Monitoring Forms
Web Resources
NCPS English Learners' Handbook
Virginia Department of Education:
English As A Second Language (EL) Resources
Virginia Access For ELLS - English Language Proficiency Assessment
Limited English Proficient Students: Guidelines for Participation in the Virginia State Assessment Program
LEP Guidelines
World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment. WIDA is a consortium of states dedicated to the design and implementation of high standards and equitable educational opportunities for English language learners.
The ACCESS for ELLs® Interpretive Guide for Score Reports, Spring 2011, is available for downloading and printing from the WIDA® Consortium at: ACCESS for ELLs® INTERPRETIVE GUIDE FOR SCORE REPORTS
The Interpretive Guide for Score Reports describes the types of scores generated from ACCESS for ELLs and each type of score report. If you have questions regarding this guide, please contact the WIDA Help desk at (866) 276-7735 or