Amelia Nottoway Technical Center

Amelia-Nottoway Technical Center (ANTC) is extremely happy to once again welcome ANTC students!
The ANTC staff is very passionate about career and technical education and we look forward to working to provide our students with rigorous and relevant academic experiences. ANTC will always strive to provide outstanding programs in an environment where students prepare for meaningful employment.
We look forward to working with our students who are Preparing Today for Success Tomorrow.
The School has developed the basic philosophy that all people, regardless of race, sex, color, or national origin should have the advantages of educational opportunities to the extent of their abilities.
The school's educational program should prepare and educate students for an ever-changing society.
Piedmont Alternative School
For Contact Information, please contact:
Marcia Martin
Each school as part of the alternative school operates their own satellite locations.
Amelia—Nottoway Technical Center (Website)
148 VoTech Road
Jetersville, Virginia 23083
(434) 645-7854
If you are worried about the well being or safety of an individual or worried about a situation that could endanger anyone at our school, click here to report your concerns. Place your student ID number in the subject line. All information will be kept confidential.