District 1 - Voting Precinct(s): 101
Cell: 804-363-4338
email: outlaw.bill@nottowayschools.org
The latest notices from the Nottoway County School Board:
The Nottoway County School Board is responsible for governing the school division for the public. The School Board determines school division policy and employs the Superintendent to implement division policy. The Superintendent, administrative staff and teachers are responsible for the day-to-day operations. The School Board has its regular meetings at 7:00 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month. Special meetings are scheduled for action or discussion on matters that cannot wait until the next regular meeting.
District 1 - Voting Precinct(s): 101
Cell: 804-363-4338
email: outlaw.bill@nottowayschools.org
District 2- Voting Precinct(s): 201
Cell: 434-774-7556
email: abbott.sonny@nottowayschools.org
District 3 - Voting Precinct(s): 301, 302
Cell: 434-603-2404
email: rowe.damien@nottowayschools.org
District 4 - Voting Precinct(s): 401, 402
Cell: 804-926-0055
email: wilson.bernett@nottowayschools.org
District 5 - Voting Precinct(s): 501
Cell: 434-294-3917
email: duncan.michele@nottowayschools.org