Tomorrow kicks off our spirit week . The theme for tomorrow is Pajamas/Wacky Tacky. Onesies and slippers are not permitted. Our dance is Friday from 6:00 - 7:30 and cost is $5. Can not have had ISS/OSS and more than 4 unexcused absences to attend.
4 months ago, Carrie Gravely
All afterschool activities have been cancelled for today.
4 months ago, Carrie Gravely
Homecoming kicks off next Monday (9/30). Our dance (casual not formal) will be held Friday night (10/4) from 6-7:30pm. Students with more than 4 unexcused absences and/or have had OSS/ISS are unable to attend. Only NMS students are allowed to attend. If you have questions, please call the school.
4 months ago, Carrie Gravely
Please join us on Monday, September 23rd at 6pm to discuss the Title I program at Nottoway Middle School.
4 months ago, Carrie Gravely
NCPS will dismiss early on Wednesday, September 18th for teacher professional development. BPS & CPS will dismiss at 11:30 am and NIS, NMS, & NHS will dismiss at 12:30pm.
5 months ago, Nottoway County Public Schools
Early Dismissal
We have been made aware of a social media message regarding a possible threat to schools. Although Nottoway has not been directly named in posts, we have been in contact with the Sheriff's Office and have increased police presence at our schools. We recognize this message is concerning and we want to reassure you the safety of students and staff is our top priority. As a reminder, if you see something, say something.
5 months ago, Nottoway County Public Schools
NMS Families: This week we will conduct a drill for lock-down procedures. This message serves as our official notice. Code of Virginia Lock-Down Drills § 22.1-137.2. In every public school there shall be a lock-down drill at least once during the first 20 school days of each school session, in order that students and teachers may be thoroughly practiced in such drills. Every public school shall hold at least two additional lock-down drills after the first 60 days of the school session. Every public school shall provide the parents of enrolled students with at least 24 hours' notice before the school conducts any lock-down drill. Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students shall be exempt from mandatory participation in lock-down drills during the first 60 days of the school session.
5 months ago, Carrie Gravely
This message is to inform our NCPS families of dismissal times on early dismissal days. On early dismissal days, elementary schools will dismiss at 11:30 am, and the complex schools will dismiss at 12:30 pm. If you have any questions, please contact your child's principal.
5 months ago, Nottoway County Public Schools
As of 2:54 pm this afternoon, our buses have left the elementary schools thus creating delays in afternoon drop-offs. This will create a delay in the dismissal of buses from the NCPS complex. We apologize for the inconvenience but appreciate your understanding. We had a great first day at NCPS!
5 months ago, Marcia Martin
School starts on Wednesday, August 21st and we are excited to welcome you back! Please keep in mind the new start and dismissal times for our schools: BPS & CPS- tardy at 7:55am, instruction starts at 8am, and dismissal at 2:30pm; NIS, NMS & NHS- tardy at 8:55am, instruction starts at 9am, and dismissal at 3:30pm.
6 months ago, Marcia Martin
School Start Times
Join us for Open House on Thursday, August 15th from 1pm-4pm and 4:30pm until 7pm.
6 months ago, Marcia Martin
We can't wait to see you TOMORROW at our Back to School Parking Lot Party from 5pm-7pm at the complex. You don't want to miss the fun! Come enjoy dinner, meet our NCPS staff, get your free t-shirt and enjoy our community partners!
6 months ago, Marcia Martin
We can't wait to see you at our Back to School Parking Lot Party on Monday, August 12th from 5pm-7pm at the complex. Complete your registration and get your schedule! You can enjoy dinner, visit with our community partners, and take a picture with Nutzy from the Flying Squirrels! Come out and enjoy the fun!
6 months ago, Marcia Martin
NCPS has opened Parent Portals. Parents should access their account in PowerSchool to update the online enrollment forms for the 24-25 school year. All forms must be updated in order to receive schedules at our Parking Lot Party on Monday, August 12th. If you have questions, please contact the school.
6 months ago, Carrie Gravely
NCPS Open House will be on Thursday, August 15th from 1pm-4pm and 4:30pm until 7pm. As a reminder, please complete your student registration in the portal and don't forget about the Parking Lot Party on August 12th.
6 months ago, Marcia Martin
Open House
With the new school opening times, bus numbers and bus routes have changed. Schools have been sent copies of transportation information. Please contact your child's school if you need updated transportation information.
6 months ago, Marcia Martin
The bookmobile which delivers summer meals will not run today due to weather.
6 months ago, Marcia Martin
We can't wait to see you at the Parking Lot Party on August 12th. Make sure you update all of your registration forms to receive your child's schedule.
7 months ago, Marcia Martin
Parking Lot Party
NCPS has opened Parent Portals. At this time, each parent should access their account to update the online enrollment forms for the 24-25 school year. Each form should be submitted by August 15th. Parents should contact school registrars with any questions regarding enrollment or completing online forms.
7 months ago, Marcia Martin
Summer School is off to a great start! Here are a few reminders for families and students: -Summer School hours 8:30 to 3:00 p.m. (Monday - Thursday, July 8 - July 18) -Students should arrive early to their bus stops in the morning. Bus routes are full this summer. Please arrive five minutes earlier than your original posted time. -Cell phones, earbuds, Airpods, and other personal electronic devices are not allowed during instructional time. -Students should come to summer school to learn, engage, and prepare for excellence during the 2024-2025 school year. We are excited to continue learning this summer!
7 months ago, Marcia Martin
summer school